Tuesday 29 December 2015


I just wanted to upload a quick post to apologise and explain why posts may have been a bit lacking in the last month or so.

Basically a couple of months ago I had an operation. It wasn't serious but it was a major operation so although I had some posts scheduled in advance they soon ran out and I still just didn't feel up to writing new ones. I personally feel that it would be better to not post than to post something that I wouldn't be 100% happy with.

Then around 4 weeks after my operation I got a new job and started working full time. I know a lot of bloggers do work full time as well as blog but it's been a long time since I worked full time so I think that, mixed in with the fact my body was still slightly recovering from surgery, meant that I was just exhausted every day in the evening and didn't have the energy to really do anything.

However, I have missed my blog and will definitely be putting more effort into making sure my 2 posts a week will still go up on time!

Thanks for staying with me!

Thanks for reading
Iona x

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